
Hi Suzanne, I inherited a library, inc many rare and antique books in 2011. No I have not been able to read quite as many as I would have liked to. There were then 5,000+, I still have about a third of them. Erm, my logic says I would have more space to display my art prints. Even so I want to move to a much larger place in a remote area of France, to house a community of 30 to 40 people on a hectare or two. Alternative building tech, permaculture, workshops, gallery, a peaceful haven for thinkers, artists, & especially for authors who can write about these things. Planning to cycle & camp the country searching for a spot this summer. Put it all on Substack as I travel. Night night, Maurice

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Omg, have you read all those wonderful books? You go on, never ceasing to amaze me. If you are widely taken up on your offer, logic says you can save money by moving to a smaller home!

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